Paper published at the British Journal of Psychology (2023)
Intuitions with minimal working example in Python
Understanding Wiener Deconvolution
Direct derivation, interpretation of assumptions, characterization of error bounds and code with examples
Deep Learning for Real-Time Sound Event Detection on CPU 🎶 ⚠️ 🌊 💬 🐶
Demonstration powered by PyTorch and Tkinter
Speech-to-text Editor Powered by Python and Qt
Featuring Silero DL models and an asynchronous interactive plugin mechanism
The Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Update Step
Auxiliary derivation and explanation
Something in the Way You Move: The Kinematics of Emotion and Beauty
Poster presented at the XXVI Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (2021)
30-second YouTube video showcasing some of my past work
Distribution-Aware Heatmap Decoder for Human Pose Estimation
PyTorch implementation
Integrating the XSENS motion capture systems for research
Making sound with sound